

Jesús Romero-Trillo, Ph.D. in English Linguistics (Complutense Madrid) and M.Sc. in Applied Linguistics (University of Edinburgh).

Full Professor in English Linguistics (Chair in Pragmatics) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

Visiting Professor. Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication. King’s College London. June-December 2022.


I welcome thesis proposals on any topic related to my research interests: pragmatics, corpus linguistics, prosody, and political/conflict discourse.  Visit my publication list for further details.

Doctoral theses supervised

Llinares García, Ana. 2002. La interacción lingüística en el aula de segundas lenguas en edades tempranas: análisis de un corpus desde una perspectiva funcional (co-supervised with Ana Martín Uriz)

Ramírez Verdugo, Dolores. 2003. A contrastive analysis of non-native interlanguage English intonation systems and their implication in the organization of information from a functional perspective. A study based on a computerized corpus of Spanish learners of English

Riesco Bernier, Silvia. 2007. Configuración de la interfaz discurso-gramática en el lenguaje del profesor de preescolar en el aula ILE: presentación de una red sistémica como herramienta para un análisis sistemático de las funciones reguladoras (co-supervised with Ana LLinares)

Maguire, Laura. 2013. A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Context in Classroom Discourse from a Pragmatic Perspective.

Avila Ledesma, Nancy. 2019. A diachronic, ethnopragmatic study of the conceptualization of emotions in Irish emigrants’ personal correspondence (co-supervised with Carolina Amador

Jiménez Vilches, Raúl. 2021. The Role of L2 Discourse Intonation and Prosody in Public Speaking. A Study of the Form-Function Interface in Spanish University Students of English.

Sadeghi, Yalda. 2022. A corpus study of Pragmatic Markers in Scripted and Spontaneous Conversations.